Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has signed a law that bans products made in West Bank settlements. The law is designed to build support for an international ban on settlement goods, specifically among European Union member states. Palestinians found in possession of goods produced in West Bank settlements will face fines and jail terms, according to ‘Reuters’. The law also bans work in settlements, with violators facing between one and five years in prison, al-Ouri said.
Products from Israel within the pre-1967 borders are not included in the ban. Palestinian Authority officials estimate that Israeli-run companies in the settlements sell goods worth US$ 500 million per year to Palestinians in the West Bank. It is also estimated that about 20,000 to 30,000 Palestinians work in the settlements. In recent months, Palestinian forces began intercepting and confiscating shipments of settlement goods to Palestinian businesses. Products range from agricultural goods to cosmetics.
As part of the campaign, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad tossed settlement products into a bonfire.